
Showing posts from June, 2018

Día a día

I read something related to Uranus leaving one sign and affecting another, it could be that or simply life keeps on getting unnecessarily complicated. This morning I felt overwhelmed by tasks I was given plus a few money related problems, two disputes with my internet provider and the bank and somehow i kept on talking to myself and saying is not a big deal, people go through worst... yeah but fuck it was a lot to take at 10:30 am with just coffee. Now with all the information we have we somehow want to ignore and be "over" the feeling of sadness just because we should be "ok". No, i just vented, let it out, cried a bit, drank some water and gained control back. So I proceeded ... organized my claim/dispute papers, organized my desk, played some music, but it had to be embraced first so I could understand that my body was just overloading. We need those little mindfulness breaks otherwise we are pushing ourselves to a cliff.


Pierdo la admiración que representaba tu prescencia con los actos egoístas que ahora son tu escencia. Humildad! Se predicaba pero de esta nunca se tomaba todo fue un truco que ni con magia se esfumará Tensiones dominan el ambiente !Qué resistencia tienes a ser buena gente!